
Katie Burroughs, Brand Consultant

Unearthing resonant brands that form meaningful connections.


I approach my work with a decade of design experience and a heart-first approach. I desire to raise the standard of branding, by diving deeper, finding purpose and creating brands that actually connect. I work diligently and meaningfully; everything is a strategic balance of connection and commercialism.

Brands are a vessel for connection, the perfect encapsulation of my love for art, emotion and communication. When created with strategy and meaning, when done right, a brand has the potential to propel you forwards, cultivate a devoted audience, and reach your commercial ambition. But this first starts with your connection to your brand. The amount of connection you feel to it correlates to the confidence you feel living within it, showing up, and moving forward with it. Therefore, the process of getting to truly know your brand and the visual creation of it is essential for your trajectory and success. This is my specialty, and the true heart behind my offerings.

I believe that: branding (the outcome and process of) is more for you, than it is for your audience; the right brand and support can be completely transformative, in all senses; beauty is obligatory for resonance; selling is serving, marketing is connecting, design is distinguishment; recommendations are your best and most sustainable growth strategy; excellence is motivating, perfection is stagnating; there’s always more available; loss (self-sabotage, meandering, comparison) begins when you no longer see anything else to gain, therefore, remaining empowered, visionary and motivated (read: connected) is essential for longevity. Mostly, that brands are truly the most powerful, magnetic entities things we have the free opportunity to create.

I offer education and individualistic consultancy, supporting entrepreneurs at every stage of their branding journey. I emotionally specialise in connective, sustainable and commercially astute brand strategy. I visually specialise in subtle, opulent and evocative timeless brand design.

If you desire to partner together, please enquire about a project partnership.

Foundational principles

All of my work is rooted in combination of meaning, connection and strategy. I work with longevity and substance as the lead, with these as the foundations.


The opportune of brand is too vast to create one that blends in. Connecting to your purpose evokes an effortless uniqueness, and, when harnessed, gives you distinguishment in your industry. This distinguishment creates necessary desire to raise the bar in your industry; the combination of heart, strategy and excellence is subsequently irresistible to your audience.


Approaching your brand with your vision as the guide prioritises the bigger impact you hope to create, naturally cultivating a long-term strategy by rooting everything in your legacy. When you step out of the now, you are able to think to a clearer, and create with more substance. Steering towards your unique vision makes business a meaningful, inspired journey.


At the core of brand creation, your commercial goals must take precedence, otherwise you’re not operating with sustainable business sense. By balancing the artistic and the strategy, you are available to create something that meets all needs of your business; first connecting you to the right people, and then actualising your commercial potential.


Branding is art; just as galleries evoke emotion, identities have that same potential. Strategy along isn’t enough, something needs to be beautiful, evocative and meaningful for it to actually resonate. Applying the same meticulousness as you would a piece to an identity ensures that every intricacy holds meaning, and expresses the essence.